Sunday, October 11, 2015

Black Ops 3 ready to take Pre-Orders in India

As per the reports claimed by the World Wide CD ROM wholesaler, in the Indian market, the pre-booking orders for buying Black Ops 3 have begun, with below a month to go before the latest game in the franchise is out.
Along with this the World Wide CD ROM distributor has also informed the Gadgets 360 that with not as much as a month to go before the most recent game in the official authorization is out,  the COD Black Ops 3 pre-requests has started receiving the  pre-orders solely  via Flipkart.
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While some believe that the company has taken the decision for taking the game pre- orders especially via Flipkart might not come out as a good one considering that Flipkart’s funds which are invested in gaming as an important category have weakened significantly, so they have advised buyers to wait for November 6, when the game would be officially launched so that they can get other options to place their game buying orders via most of other Indian website and stores across the country, the experts asserted.

As per reports, “Some players were dissatisfied that the Black Hat equipment was too powerful. We agree. Our new hacking mechanic scales the hacking speed based on how close you are to the target, and will require precise aim to hack Scorestreaks in a reasonable time. Time-to-hack has been adjusted upwards across the board to make it more challenging to hack, especially at the higher end of rewards. Hackers now also appear as a red dot on the minimap for the duration of the hack, which, along with VO notifications that a Scorestreak is being hacked, provides players the ability to counter by hunting down the attacker.”

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